Thursday, January 15, 2009

Redman Adoption January 15th 2009

Very Cold today here in Ukraine -  We visited Nadya  in the hospital and she seems to be doing ok but we have heard that diagnosis is not a fine art here so we are going to try to track down the doctor today.

Had a funny experience yesterday at the orphanage.

As you know Valery the director is a nice man and always trying to entertain us when we visit. I brought him some great classical music from home ( he was a trumpet player in his past life) and he was delighted. So you may know what happens next - out comes the cognac! 

He cajoled Paula into a small one and then we sat and talked with our hands ( he only knows "OK" in english). Then another and another...we were trying to be good guests. 
I told him "This is very tasty, where does it come from"  Valery stands, slowly walks to his desk and rattles a box under his desk..clink, clink. I open the box and it is a bunch of bottles of homeopathic hawthorne berry tincture ? 

Valery takes a bottle and empties into the cognac bottle? 

We have been drinking his medicine!! He tells us through Vitaly " I had a heart condition and my friend a doctor told me to drink this instead on cognac... it is very pure alchol, and good for your heart -140 proof" Paula liked this alot and asked for more.

1 comment:

ArtworkByRuth said...

Too Funny! At least you are finding the good times in your long journey!