Saturday, September 6, 2008

Redman Adoption - Kiev Day 1

Ok - Folks today we meet with our facilitator (Konstantin for future reference) He is meeting us at our apartment. Nice place! Kind of reminds me of a low end Jetsons pad with a TV that we can't understand.

Our trip was long but fine... did not sleep last night...and according to my computer it is 2.30am in Chagrin Falls. I took a long walk this morning in the city center met a couple of kids who spoke english and they said that "Americans are good people but US and Ukrainian politicians are making it difficult to remember that we are brothers and sisters....God created all of us." He has a point doesn't he?

Today after we meet with Konstantin we are going to try to find a tour service and explore the city.. and find something to eat. This has been a challenge as most Ukranians eat meat,cookies and lots of coffee!  

Also, it is supposed to be very hot the next couple of days (90).  Unfortunately I packed fall clothes, so this should be interesting. Tonight of tomorrow we should have a better picture of the events that will be coming our way and the process we will undertake so stay tuned...Here are a few more picks for last night in Kiev. Including the entrance to our apartment.

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